About Us

Deep Ranjan Singh

Our Goal

We aim to provide useful Sanskrit resources for Sanskrit lovers and users. We share Sanskrit shlokas, subhasitas, wishes for festivals/occasions and names in practical use.

If you wish to have certain relevant content that is missing on our website, please let us know. We will provide that content if feasible.

Founder’s background

SimpleSanskrit.com founder Deep Ranjan Singh has a formal education in Science and Technology (B. Tech. from IIT Kanpur). He worked in the corporate IT sector serving Investment banks for about ten years. His post-corporate career includes Life coaching, counselling, and teaching services.

Deep loves Sanskrit and Indian culture. He firmly believes that familiarity with Sanskrit is essential for appreciating ancient scriptures’ wisdom. Indian Rishis (sages) have shared valuable knowledge with humankind, ranging from life skills to Nature’s understanding to Spiritual Enlightenment.

Deep has been pursuing the study of scriptures in search of the hidden treasures of valuable knowledge shared by the Rishis. In the process, he realized the need to learn Sanskrit. He, therefore, learned Sanskrit through self-study and Certification courses. Presently he spends a good chunk of his time sharing useful resources for Sanskrit lovers and learners.